In the afternoon, we drove back to Savannah to do dinner and candy shopping with the kids.

Here's Mommy, Henry and Caroline in front of the River Street Sweets shop where we picked up some salt water taffy and pralines.
Here's Daddy and the kids in front of the Savannah River Queen. We ate at the Shrimp Factory on River Street which was delicious. Our placemats at the restaurant had a recipe for the most dangerous punch recipe I've ever seen -- Chatham Artillery Punch. If you've never tried the stuff, take a gander at this recipe. It tasted like gold and one batch had me wobbling like a fighter in the twelfth round. I scored a glass from the Shrimp Factory for managing to finish it (I think?).
I may be trying the Chatham Artillery Punch on the Pig Roast. Beware!
Well...that's a wrap for the vacation. I'll leave you all with one of my favorite videos from the trip.
You can tell a lot about the time your family is having by the morale they have at some of the lowest moments on the trip. Here we are on the Folly Field Road bike path after having taken a wrong turn and walked one mile out of the way off of the beach. It was 85 degrees and muggy and during the entire trek no one complained, no one whined and everyone was lost in their own precious thoughts.
Of all the memories you make on a vacation, sometimes it's the ones that you least expect with the least amount of effort that give you the most satisfaction.
This one is mine.
We'll see all of you very soon.