The Holman family before the show.
The Holman family before the show.
And of course, the kids. Left to right - Cleopatra (Autumn); Raphael the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Henry); Incredible Hulk (Tyler); Tinkerbell (Caroline); and the Happy Pumpkin (Josie)
I wasn't kidding about the Happy Pumpkin.
Each year at Boo at the Zoo, this spooky-looking group wearing black shrouds and junior high art class masks hang out with little fanfare. They make no sounds and just amble around the entrance to the kid-friendly Haunted Hay Maze. I don't know whether to wet myself in fear or feel sorry for these poor schleps. In any event, they've freaked me out since I first crossed paths with them in 2004. This year I got the courage to go have my photo taken with them. Chris and I walked up and asked if we could have a family photo. True to form, they said nothing.
I'm still scared.
Here is a picture of Rob and Henry in October 2005. Henry was the only child in this just a couple of weeks things would change.
Sure there have been some rough patches...
But eight years later, we are still smiling, laughing, and having the time of our lives. I fell in love with you when I was fifteen years old and things just keep getting better. I look forward to many more years with you and our family!
Happy Anniversary, Rob!
Aunt Judy and Co-Mo with Daddy, Henry and a very happy Caroline.
Here's the gang prior to entering the Corn Maze (in case you couldn't read the sign that made the context of the picture obvious).
Ahh, a trip into a Corn Maze. Makes me think back to 1984 and the film that made me soil myself just thinking about corn mazes. Yep, you guessed it. Children of the Corn
Gulp. Remember Isaac from Children of the Corn? I do.
(Is it just me or does Isaac bear a striking resemblance to Sammy Falcone?)
No? Okay, back to the real pictures...
Daddy and the girls.
Henry snatches a pumpkin, then discovers we're 26 days from Halloween.
What would we do next weekend? There's gotta be another corn maze, hayride, bee-infested kettle corn stand, apple picking free-for-all, right? Of course there is and you bet we'll find it.