The crack staff at Poogie's Echo Chamber have fallen behind in their award-winning blog updates. For this, we apologize. We've missed a few important events, including Halloween, Caroline's 3rd Birthday Party, the first of two major snowfalls in NE Ohio and more gratuitous shots of Josephine. Perhaps some of the pictures will explain the problem.
Yep, that's the problem. That's our leader carving what turned out to be his brother's pumpkin. Thanks to Bill for swiping the $6.00 gourd and carving it up before realizing he had the wrong one. Judging by the look of the head Poogster, it would not have mattered.
Our first trick-or-treater of the evening was none other than Mason as a warm and snuggly Elmo. We caught up to Jim aka "90" and Mason after a few houses and continued on with them during the evening. Mason had the good sense to drive to each house in his Little Tikes push car. Unfortunately, we had to abandon the car somewhere in the neighborhood in order to catch up with the older kids. Being the good sport, Mason and Caroline finished the night in the Radio Flyer and could not have been happier!
The Halloween crew sans Josie.
Cue the gratuitous Josie shot.
We received our first of two notable snowfalls in early November this year. Caroline, like her dad, loves the snow. We're readying for another Kendall Hills sledfest. Last year, Caroline was a good sport to head down the big hills with Daddy. She's been eyeballing the Wham-O-Boggan ever since.
Henry and Caroline in the backyard snow fort.
Caroline turned 3 on November 4th. We celebrated her birthday on the weekend after Election Day at Bear on the Square in Hudson, Ohio. Good times!
Caroline vs. three candles and ice cream. Advantage: Caroline.