Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Memo to Apple and Steve Jobs: Your Warranty Sucks
One day after her birthday, the iPhone fell out of her coat pocket (seriously) and onto the concrete garage floor. The touch screen shattered like a cheap bar pint.
The damage looked something like this:
Cue the horn.
Fagabeefe? I hate you, Apple.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
This One's For You, Pittsburgh
Where else but YouTube can you find a 1:18 loop of Turkey Jones piledriving Terry Bradshaw into the grass painted cement floor of Cleveland Municipal Stadium?
After following tonight's Browns victory over the Steelers on my laptop computer here in Columbus -- which is both pathetic and sad -- I can now say that the 2009 Browns season was a huge success at 2-11. It doesn't matter if they win another game.
Thank you, Cleveland!
Good night now. Pittsburgh still sucks.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Don't Wash My Blanket!
Josie was absolutely beside herself. Instead of helping her cope, we decided to tape the event for your enjoyment.
I think we just lost the Good Parenting Award for 2009.
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Son the Documentarian
A couple of plot twists to watch for:
- Caroline's dollhouse is so "yesterday".
- Maura and Henry have a baby named Josephine?
- Josephine may have been attached to a Doodle-Pro.
- Speaking of Josie, did Maddy drop her or was that just me?
- Henry breaks off the show before facing certain punishment upstairs.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The First Snow
The kids were quickly outfitted in last year's snowsuits and hustled outside. It's fun to see how much your kids have grown over the course of one year by comparing them to last year's snowsuit.
Unfortunately, it also increases their chances of frostbite, self-imposed wedgies and being pummeled by bullies for looking ridiculous.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A Poogie Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Running in Your Mid-30's: A Cautionary Tale
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No Theme Required: Randomness in Poogieville
More random pictures below.
Caroline (photo by Josie, 2009)
[Editor's Note: Makeup by Caroline]
Anti-Gravity Josie (photo by Caroline, 2009)
Happy Henry (photo by Caroline, 2009)
And lastly, the Two Peg.
More on that in a minute...
Me. (photo by Caroline, 2009)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bye-Kea in Words

It was creepy. We didn't stick around for the end.
Overall, though, everyone had a ball.
Good times.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Caroline: They Say It's Your Birthday!
We almost named her Bill.
Anyway, poor Caroline. Her birthday started out rough. Her 4 year checkup resulted in a flu misting AND a shot. Not the best planning, but thankfully I pulled the long straw.
I feel bad for Mom, though. I heard it was fairly traumatic.
If I were the doctor, I'd strongly consider witness protection. As a warning to the unwary, Caroline's DEFCON 1 is calling someone a "maniac". If she throws that at you, she considers you dead to her.
Think of Caroline's logo as follows:

I think her pediatrician made the "maniac" list.
I worry about the next appointment.
But let's cut back to the birthday.
Apparently, shots, flu mists and birthday drama lead to drowsiness. This is CP2 shortly before her birthday party.
Despite her rough morning and her late nap, Caroline rallied nicely for the big show. Here's the birthday girl opening gifts.
And the group of cousins who joined the celebration.
When it came to the cake, Caroline surprised her old man by hanging in for the full Happy Birthday song without tears. In fact, she almost blew out her candles before remembering how un-Holman North it is to enjoy birthday singing and candle blowouts.
There's always next year, kiddo!
Seriously though, CP2 is the apple of her dad's eye and there's nothing we wouldn't do to get a slew of smiles on her special day.
Or at least that's what I will continue to tell her so she doesn't put me on the "maniac" list.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Earnestness of Caroline Paige
Vintage Caroline. Serious, solemn and unabashedly deserving of a hug.
Stay with this video to see why.
When asked, Caroline said the reason she cried was because she wanted to go to Mommy.
I thought she was crying because of the Ninja. That kid was selling it.
Halloween 2009: Poogie Style
Nevertheless, the family did manage to run the gauntlet of pre-Halloween parties.
There was the Hudson Preschool Parents throwdown where our niece's kindergarten teacher was the entertainment.
[Editor's Note: Dude does magic AND wears rainbow suspenders! Anyone know of anything more courageous than that? Me neither.]
Here are the girls at the HPP function:
Then there was the Penn State v. Michigan neighborhood party where I went in as an IU fan sporting a 25 point lead on the road at Northwestern and left a one point loser.
Insert your prophetic statements concerning my life here.
Actually, it was fun to watch people actually concerned about Saturday afternoon college football. It was strange.
And did I mention that I drank the sting of the IU loss to excess?
Well, if not, there's only one way to challenge me under those circumstances...put a knife in my hand and let me carve a $6.00 rotten pumpkin!
Yep. They wheeled a despondent and partially loaded dad over to Uncle Bill's house for pumpkin carving after the first party.
Here's the result:
A couple of notes on the carving this year.
1. Carving a rotten gourd is depressing, especially when you know you paid top dollar for it.
2. Henry actually designed his own pumpkin this year. Erica performed the knife work.
3. Don't drink and carve.
Anyway, in case you were wondering. Caroline was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Henry was Iron Man. Josephine was Minnie Mouse.
Uncle Bill? He was a pirate. It made everything he said on Halloween easier to put into context.
We'll leave you with an ear-to-ear smile from our little Joey who thinks fallen leaves are cool to crush under her tiny-sized shoes.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Mid-Morning Jesus Rave with the Holman Girls
All we're missing is the tamborines, shaved-heads and airport literature and I can qualify the family as a 501(c)(3).
Anyway, check this out.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
IU 38, Akron 21: Rob Avoids Alma Maters Tying
Here's the hilariously short article from the Indianapolis Star concerning the game. In case you didn't make it to the game or catch it on the Big Ten Network, the Hoosiers carried the day 38-21.
It will be the last victory for the Hoosier football program this year. Savor it.
Apparently, the names "Cha-Cha-Cha Maker" and "What Spain Killed the Aztecs With" were taken.
Congratulations to the Hoosiers on another three-win football season.
It makes watching a Browns game seem optimistic, even though it's clearly not.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Caroline's First Day of Pre-School
Yes, I know she has a younger sister.
Judging by the picture below, it's obvious that Josie is not ready for girly breakout sessions.
Anyway, back to Caroline and her first day of pre-school.
Caroline was all smiles in the warmup. Mom did all of the Jim Rickon PMA talking points.
"You'll meet new friends!"
"You'll have fun playing and singing!"
"You're going to be fine!"
Et cetera, etc.
Caroline was pumped up and buying into it.
Here she is (below) performing the "O-H" "I-O" chant. (That's too bad since she's going to IU when she grows up.)
Or maybe she's predicting the number of Browns victories in September. Or Buckeye wins against ranked opponents. Or Hoosier victories in the Big Ten.
I could go on, but I believe that horse is glue.
Back to Caroline's first day. It seemed like the idea of singing and dancing at school excited her! Here she is (below) moments later in full Mary Poppins-mode.
And if we could stop the story there, we'd be able to tell you that she enjoyed every moment of her first day of pre-school and begged us to go back the next day.
But you know our sweet Caroline.
Wait for it...
...wait for it...
The clock struck midnight and the carriage became a pumpkin. So much for all that singing and dancing.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
We Have Met Put-in-Bay and It Is Ours
For those who don't know about PIB, that's Ohio's version of "island living". To me, it's just another tourist trap that needed to be put out of it's misery by the Holmans.
Here we are on the ferry boat ride from Catawba Island (not an island, BTW) to PIB. In case you were wondering, that's a 3 o'clock sun on Lake Erie. Dad didn't have high hopes that PIB could entertain his brood for a full day.
Dad was probably right.
We rented a 6-person golf cart to travel around the island. Since it was Labor Day weekend, cars were not allowed on the island. We were one of the last ones to get a cart. If it wasn't for Erica getting into a fist fight with a line cutter, we would have been walking that God-forsaken island.
The kids thought the cart was "awesome". I think Erica is awesome. I'm also slightly scared of her.Our first stop was the Perry Monument. It's under construction so we didn't try to climb it. Since it's taller than the Statue of Liberty, that's probably a good thing.
I got the kids to give their best impression of the monument.
This was their effort. I don't think Joey was into it, do you?
After a brief walk around the monument, we made our way back through town where the smell of booze, cheap lobster bisque and tattooed toothless biker babes was more than one could bear.
It makes one wonder what Canada thinks of us.
Anyway, Caroline, Henry and I decided we would tackle Perry's Cave -- another PIB tribute to the man who whooped the British navy in 1813.
Strangely, the kids got caught up in gem stone mining outside the cave (read: tourist trap for children).
Here's how it worked:
Spend $10 on a bag of sand. Yes, a bag of sand. Then, take it outside to dump in a screener.
Screen out the sand and look for gemstones in the bag.
Henry found a few "gems".
And if you look close enough, the "gems" are actually pieces of glass from the nearby booze huts.
In normal society, we call that a scam. In PIB, we call it family fun.
Granted, we never paid the $10 for the useless sand bag. No, not the Holmans. We just positioned ourselves at the end of the trough where all of the sand and "gems" had come out of the other suckers who paid the money for it.
We panned for gems like it was 1849 -- at other people's expense.
That's how you entertain a family during a recession.
Afterwards, we followed the cave and gemstone mining fiasco with some chocolate and fudge. Caroline was pretty happy to watch Mom tackle a chocolate-covered Twinkie.
Truthfully, so was I.
Josie was just happy to be out of the back seat of the golf cart.