Fourth, if you don't bring water on a day like yesterday, you may die. Ask my nephew Jacob. He found out the hard way. We nearly got to see his breakfast after he became overheated on the trolley.

Truthfully, it wasn't that bad with the toddlers. We had fun and no one got hit in the face with a club or lost a ball across the parking lot.
When you are faced with the odds of mini-golfing with three, tired toddlers, you lower your expectations. We made it and the kids enjoyed themselves. That's all that really matters.
As for Caroline, she had a rough day. We got her dressed for the beach and told her to drop our favorite prime number in the toilet (i.e. the deuce). She refused.
After much debating and back and forth, we decided to head down to the beach.
Five minutes after setting up camp, Caroline gave me the "face". You know what I'm talking about.
Caroline is determined to find a way to swim in the water without getting wet. In order to accomplish this rare feat, she has taken to hording all of the pool floats and using them simultaneously.
She's got her old man's cautious streak.
Take a look:
That's all for tonight. See you tomorrow.
Signing off from 4222 Clinton Way.