A couple of typical Henry exclamations followed upon discovering his classroom:
1. "Cool. The bathrooms are connected to my classroom!"
My translation: Henry goes full-Monty any time he uses the restroom. He's bound to finally discover that dropping 'trou every time you pee is not socially acceptable. Nor is leaving a deuce in the launch tube. He's going to learn so much this year.
2. "Check out those computers!"
My translation: Henry will be downloading "Crazy Frog" on the school computers and may God help them.
3. "Have a good day at work, Dad."
My translation: You'd think it would have been me wishing him a good day at school, but that's the H-Man. He beat me to it. He gave me a hug and a kiss and then told me in his matter-of-fact way to have a good day at work. I couldn't breathe I was so amazed at my son.
Apparently, the first day of kindergarten is just another day in the life for the Hankster.
Maybe for him, but not for me.

Henry walking in to his new school and his first day of kindergarten.
I would of cried on the spot if he would of said have a good work day dad. It will be an interesting year as Dad and I watch the progress and the changes. What a great first day of the year. Love you lots, Grandma
What a big boy! Are you sure the Twinsburg School system is ready for him?
I watched Henry get on the school bus when I was visiting last week. It tugged at my heart too. I remembered Erica, Amy, and Chris' first day on the bus. It was hard to do but a part of growing up for both them and me. Keep up the faith...
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