Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Holmans Search for the Great Pumpkin

Judging by the above picture, you'd think the kids were bored to tears with their outing to Patterson Fruit Farm in Chesterland, Ohio.

Au contraire.

"That was awesome!"

-Henry Holman, October 5, 2008

Aunt Judy and Co-Mo with Daddy, Henry and a very happy Caroline.

Here's the gang prior to entering the Corn Maze (in case you couldn't read the sign that made the context of the picture obvious).

Ahh, a trip into a Corn Maze. Makes me think back to 1984 and the film that made me soil myself just thinking about corn mazes. Yep, you guessed it. Children of the Corn

Gulp. Remember Isaac from Children of the Corn? I do.

(Is it just me or does Isaac bear a striking resemblance to Sammy Falcone?)

No? Okay, back to the real pictures...

Daddy and the girls.

Henry snatches a pumpkin, then discovers we're 26 days from Halloween.


What would we do next weekend? There's gotta be another corn maze, hayride, bee-infested kettle corn stand, apple picking free-for-all, right? Of course there is and you bet we'll find it.


Anonymous said...

I want to be as happy as Caroline is when I grow up!!! Henry had an awesome time and I believe him!! Josie can't wait to get into the mix, and off your chest, daddy!!

Kim Nurks said...

I like the guy at the end of the video coming down the pike. He looked like he had some big fun. Nice shots of the kids not posing which I think is way cool. Glad you did not leave that Children of the Lesser God guy on the top of your post or that would of been the photo I have to look at all week long on my blog. ;)