Monday, January 25, 2010

Henry Channels Bobby Clarke

As predicted, Henry lost his first tooth on Saturday night.  It was an undeniable display of machismo.  He told me it was time to get "it" out.  All he wanted was a warm washcloth and my undying admiration.  After providing both, he proceeded to yank the tooth out in front of a crowded house -- the neighbors, Aunt Judy, Uncle Bill and the girls.

It was the manliest thing a 6 year old has ever done.

Sadly, all I could think about was Bobby Clarke.

Keep checking, eh?

Henry's other front tooth is looking pretty vulnerable right now.  I give it three weeks.  Maybe we should grab some cotton candy and make it rain teeth?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Henry was a real champ to take on the courage and tenancity to go one on one with that tooth!! He is a macho man all the way. By the way, very smart too!! Yeah Yeah Thank gooddness he is more handsome than Bobby Clark!!