Just kidding.
It's been a whirlwind since we last blogged and I vow to cover it all or at least bore you trying.
Let's start with the end of Hilton Head Island: Year 2.
We had fun. It was much better than Cats. I will see it again and again.

Quick favorite moments of HHI: 2009.
1. It was less buggy indoors this year.
2. Heart stopped when mother-in-law jumped into five feet of water and found the bottom of pool.
3. Heart stopped during fried chicken meal. I restarted it with Cheeriwine.
4. No good can come of a 94 degree day in Georgia.
5. After fisherman catches shark on the beach and throws him back, Caroline and Owen beeline BACK INTO THE WATER? Ugh. Where's Roy Scheider when you need him?
6. My niece Sydney has a future in sand architecture.
7. My son Henry does not.
8. Amy gets tired when reading.
9. Caroline does not.
10. Scott and Jacob grocery shopping at Publix. We plunked 4 bills down on groceries and still underbought. How is that possible?
11. Josie waking up in the Pak-n-Play with her Pat Benatar hairdo.
12. Telling my mother-in-law that her son Chris was on each plane that flew overhead. The joke was never funny the first time. I must have said it 25 times.
13. The hot tub. Because heat and humidity make hot tubs fun.
14. The rusty nail riddled stairs to the hot tub. Hate to be Guenter when he gets that lawsuit.
15. Caroline's quest to not piss herself on the way home. That little girl tried so hard and if it wasn't for that midnight train in Hudson, she wouldn't have peed all over Erica's Odyssey.
16. The West Virginia McDonalds and the weird vagrants who frequented the place.
17. Kenna's fondness for the beach.
18. Jacob and the Rastafarian wig.
19. Keeping our streak alive not eating at the Salty Dog . In your face tourists!
20. Erica in a pool.

Henry, Josie and Caroline at Harbor Town in Hilton Head.
Here's Caroline and Kenna making nicey-nice at the HHI Outlet Mall. Apparently, they enjoy shopping together. Who knew?
Much like last year, I had my favorite moment in HHI on a low-budget portion of the trip. This year we rented bikes. If you ever get the chance to visit HHI, we highly recommend bike rentals. For roughly $25 a bike per week we were able to eat fried chicken and ride bikes at the same time.
In fact, I filmed, ate chicken and talked to my son all at the same time.
Here's a snapshot of my ride while following Mom and the girls. Henry was on a tandem bike attached to my bike. He's the one doing all of the gabbing.
He likes to talk.
And finally, I must admit that the best food of the trip was had at the
Front Porch Restaurant in Richburg, SC. If you visit HHI from Ohio, we highly recommend stopping in. It's off of Exit 65 on I-77.
The food is down home southern cooking. Fried chicken (yes, sir), homemade macaroni and cheese, grits, greens, you name it.
I did the fried green tomatoes this year along with my staples -- fried chicken and mac & cheese.
The food coma lasted until north of Charlotte, NC. Worse yet, I was driving.
In case you find the place, the Front Porch looks like this:

Bikes not included, but certainly a part of the Front Porch ambiance.