Of course, bowling can only be fully appreciated with an over-sized can of Bud Light and a T-shirt that screams, "I'm a D-Bag!"
Nailed it.
Let the hilarity ensue.
One out-of-control Billy Holman-spawn down, one to go.
Thank you, Maura. Maybe there's a reason the kid behind the counter gave us at least two lanes of birth on either side of the Wild Holmans.
Last, but not least. Here's Grandma. To her credit she was up for bowling and was a trooper. If she wasn't sporting a titanium rod in one leg and the fear of running over one of the grandkids on her approach, she probably could have bowled a few more games.
Nevertheless, no one had better body English or use of bumper rails than the G-K.
That's Grandma Kathy, fool. Just listen to the music.
And the rest in still pictures...
And the rest in still pictures...
Here's a picture of Joey and Mom. The Joester was the handicap and/or trophy that was handed to each of the adult bowlers upon completing their frame.
It was either that or let her get swallowed by the ball return.
The grandparents share a moment after the 10th frame.
The kids took some funny final frame shots. For instance, leave it to Henry to bowl "Commando" (those are swim trunks). The cousins were heavily committed to the bunny ears.
What photo with bunny ears is not funny?
Now dig the follow-through on Grandpa.
And we close with Maddy and Caroline. Burritos and bowling was a good time.

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