Unfortunately for Henry, part of the trip called for him seeing the 2009 Cleveland Indians. Not unlike my first Indians game when they were just as bad, if not worse than they are now.
Thank you Dolan Family. Now please sell the team so we can one day stop this vicious cycle.
Here's Henry and his cousin Maura before the big game.
We brought Grandpa, Uncle Bill, and Maura with us for the game because misery loves company. It was uncomfortably hot. Upper 80's and no wind. The kids melted, but held their own.
This was the view from our seats. A perfect location to watch an Indian ass-whipping. The Tribe got smoked by the score of 10-6. But for a five run ninth for the Tribe, it would have been a lot worse.
Realizing the lack of quality product on the field and the lousy weather, I tried my parental best to throw food and drink at Maura and Henry. Hot dogs, french fries, water, cotton candy, popcorn, and dipping dots ice cream. Anything to help them stay for 9. And in true Holman form, we did.
Here's Henry making a mockery of cotton candy on a near-90 degree day.
The best was when Henry and I went into the Pirates Gift Shop and Henry complained that there was too much Pirate stuff being sold.
Even he thinks Pittsburgh sucks!
And he's right. Just look at them with their smug faces and multiple world championships.

Doesn't this photo make you hate everything Pittsburgh? I mean, who is she?
Isaac from the Love Boat?

Seriously, the kid is spot on. There is nothing redeeming about Pittsburgh. Nothing.
Enough about that, though.

Nothing like having your kids climbing on a wall for a picture under the sign with a rule making said activity a no-no in Pump-it-Up land.

Kids, sweat and dirty feet. Two squirts of Purel and it's off to eat cake and ice cream.
Anyway, later that week we formally celebrated Henry's birthday at Pump-it-Up in Stow, Ohio.
For those that don't know, Pump-it-Up is a cash cow disguised as a family fun center where kids are herded into rooms with inflatable petri dishes and crappy Hannah Montana music.
I weep for the days of the Springhill Skate Center or Burger Chef when parties were filled with decisions like how many Foreigner songs does it take to do a complete lap around the skate rink or why does Burger Chef smell like Ronald McDonald's used striped sweat socks.
Those days are so gone.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from Henry's party.
Nothing like having your kids climbing on a wall for a picture under the sign with a rule making said activity a no-no in Pump-it-Up land.
Kids, sweat and dirty feet. Two squirts of Purel and it's off to eat cake and ice cream.
That's Caroline and Josie finding a quiet spot to jump and play.
All in all, another fun birthday for the H-Man. Happy birthday, Henry!
Your 1st Tribe game was August 15 1977 and Rick Waits with the great hitting of Ron Pruitt, Paul Dade
and Fred Kendall smashed the A's 7-2. So you see the Tribe did once have some great players.?????????
Tell Henry that we wish him a happy belated birthday. I was in Girl Scout hell and had no cell service to call. He should be getting his gifts any day now. I love and miss you guys!
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